Adrenaline Rush Roller Coaster
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Car Chassis
- Overall dimensions - 32" x 18"
- Wheelbase - 30"
- Axles - 5/16" diameter x 19" long
- Wood - 2" x 4" studs and 19/32" plywood
- Wheels - OJ 78a Thunder Juice Wheels, 75mm, Blue
- Angle straps - Simpson Strong Tie - TP15
- Wheel Bearings - Bones Reds Precision Skate Bearings
- Wheel Geometry Drawing
- Track Length - 75 feet
- Rail width - 13" on center
- Rails - PVC 1-1/4" diameter sch 40 - 10 foot sections
- Rail Ties - 2" x 4" studs - 11" long
- Rails connected to ties with 3" deck screws, countersunk
- Tracks connected with PVC 3/4" pipe inside. The 3/4" pipe is supported by PVC caps cut into bushings
- Track Profile Dwawing
- Support Tower Drawings